Monday, July 1, 2013


I try to tell Brian to stop thinking negatively about the things that he does NOT have, and to start thinking about all the amazing things he has. I feel like if you don't do that at some point in your life, you end up resentful, unfulfilled and miserable. I try to say this at some point, on most days, " I am thankful I am fortunate." When bad things happen to good people and even when bad things happen to bad people you want to take a deep breath for them. I don't wish that on anyone, not ONE single person. I have a friend who is going through some things at the moment, and my mom always says, "God doesn't give us what we can't handle." If you read my blog often, you know that I am pretty atheist. WELL not, NOT believing in some higher power but I am certainly not a religious person. In a weird way, I believe that what my mom says is true; and that truth helps comfort me in some ways, as strange as that may sound for someone like me. There are those people who can really handle unfortunate circumstances and those who cannot, and it is quite clear how strong those people are...when it does happen. Today I want everyone to take a moment and be thankful for what they have, not what they don't have. To take a deep breath and say I will get through this (whatever it may be), and know we all suffer in some way, in life. To a great Monday! XOXO BTC

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