Friday, July 5, 2013


HOW many people really believe in astrology? AND if you do believe in it, how much of it really holds true? My horoscope says... I am a firm believer in astrology so much so that it's tattooed on my wrist, but I have not quite decided if I am one that believes in the day to day, or just the bigger picture when it comes to your "sign." I would hope that most of what Susan Miller says is true, and I do find that her monthly prediction are RIGHT on par with what's going on with me...but at the same time, I look to it for the day to day, and that's not always on point. BUT then I think to myself how on earth could it be, not every thing can apply to every one. On a much less philosophical note...I hope everyone had a great 4th. I am so not a summer person, you have to show your body all the time, it's hot and it's like your entire being is swollen. I am for SURE an fall/winter person more than anything else; HOWEVER, I love spending time with friends and family, love BBQ, and I love (buy my body does not) all the summer drinking. Enjoy the rest of your long weekend, and we will chat soon! XOXO BTC PS: My horoscope looks like a GOOD one this month, will let you know how it goes!

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