Wednesday, January 21, 2015


I don't know why I can't find that one person, that one person to talk to about everything. I mean technically I have SO many around me that could be "that" person for me, but I don't know why I choose not to just divulge it all. Well I do actually but I then just feel like I am talking about myself too much, and not asking about them enough. I never want it to be all about me and my feelings, b/c everyone has problems just the same. Why should mine be any more important than theirs? I don't know how to break free of that and let some things out, as open as I am I guess I am totally bottled up. Wasted Wed. XOXO BTC

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Don't you meat people everyday who say they are slightly psychic or clairvoyant? And on that same page, don't you feel like you are too? Couldn't it be that we guide ourselves towards the things we want to happen, and those are the signs we read as psychic? I welcome those feelings myself, it makes me feel like I am always working towards something. I would like to think that it's a little bit of both, so I would like to enlist someone to talk to..who really claims to BE a psychic AND who gets paid to do it! I mean they have to be better than the average person, no??? OYE will be sure to report whatever it is that they say, whenever I get off my ass and actually meet them! HA! YIPPEE IT'S THURSDAY!! XOXO BTC

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


The relationship between my mom and my Mother-in-law and my girls is so special, it really is. I feel so thankful that they are able to spend so much time with them, count on them, and know how very much they are loved by them. You see, I never really had a grandmother. My mom's mom never wanted to meet me because she married my dad (b/c he was Black) and my fathers mother was totally in my life, but at the same time wasn't? Does that make sense? Like we saw her ALL the time, but I never could really connect with her, when it counted. When I was a kid I never knew that you were supposed to spend nights at your grandmothers or have outings just the 2 of you, or even have her babysit. I feel like I was living in la la land in that way, b/c I truly didn't know that was technically the norm! Kinda depressing to think about it…but then again it's January so the entire month is depressing! XOXO BTC

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy fucking new year!!

Jesus h Christ 2015?? Where the hell does the time go?!?? My kids are older, I'm older, something's have changed and some more annoying things have stayed the same! All the people I love are still fortunately in my life and I could not be happier with the progress my professional life is taking; or rather I always want more but I feel like it's taking a new but important direction and I'm beyond ready for it. I feel like so much of my creative mind goes to the book, I tend to neglect the blog ( thag I've told no one about anyway:) but more for me to just put it all down! I'm actually in the process of going through ally posts and making sure the important things are included. Obviously I'm hoping it's only the first off my more books but,"one never knows do one?" 