Friday, March 28, 2014


It's amazing as you get older, when you fall ILL what it's like! You really can't bounce back the way you used to, and you certainly don't recover as fast as you used to either…which really BLOWS! After this tooth extraction paired with the infection and a sinus infection on top of all of this, I am DOWN for the count. I can't sleep, eat, work properly, work out, I basically cannot function; but the problem is I have 2 young kids so clearly they just don't get that! It's hard keeping up with them, and making sure they are able to do the things that they want to do. NOT to mention it's super frustrating. THAT in a nutshell is my week. I am hoping that next weekends festivities are much better than my lack luster planned present weekend. Enjoy my friends, it is after all…Friday! XOXO BTC

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


You know you can always count on a few people in your life, other than family of course..and when you narrow that down even further there's probably one girl who is like a sister to you…and same for boys. What happens when that good girl that you know and love goes bad? I had a situation the other day with my best friend and I TRULY threw me for a loop! I guess that would be an example of never say never! It's all said and done, and we are past it but that bad taste is still in my mouth…and in my mouth b/c I was not the one to lose my cool, she was in a BIG way. Now I think to myself if you can talk to me like that, for no reason what else is wrong with you? But then on the flip side if you think about all the times you fight with your family and say things that you don't mean, and you HATE them for that moment…what happens? You get over it, so clearly that's what I have to do too! UGH what a fucking annoyance. Today is Wed. and I am home b/c of the lovely mouth surgery I just endured. HEY could be worse! Happy Hump Day! XOXO BTC

Monday, March 24, 2014


Why is it that Candace Cameron annoys me so much? I liked her better in character that's for sure…the goofy, yet technically popular DJ on "Full House", WAY better than I can handle her now. I am all about doing your own thing, believing your own thing as long as you don't push your beliefs on other people; OR feel the need to say stupid shit like" I am going to be the most covered up person on, "Dancing with The Stars." Why on earth she can't just put more clothes on and shut it is beyond me! She annoys me, sorry if that seems offensive, come to think of it so does her brother and lord knows he was a hotty on "Growing Pains." I also can't imagine the lovely Greek hotness John Stamos can like her, he's just way to dirty:) Happy Monday! XOXO BTC

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Where do you draw the line when it comes to talking about your successes? Do you openly let everyone you know and love that you are doing X Y and Z? Or do you allow other people to blow your cover, at your own expense? I have never really gotten that right. I either get the why didn't you tell me? OR the REALLY you are doing that? So you just never know which ones means that person is happy for you. Come to think about it, when I think of people that only talk about their successes I wanna puke, and happily clap for those who don't tell me…but things are relayed by another friend, and the other friend's successes. I don't know why I spend so much thinking about this shit, I always wanna do the right thing…just don't always succeed. Hope everyone's having a great weekend, I have some fucking infection in one of my teeth and have to get it pulled this week. Oh well things could be worse… XOXO BTC

Friday, March 21, 2014


There is nothing in the world like being in a place, with people who don't understand, can't relate to, and don't want to know…WITHOUT BOOZE! Holy shitastrophy of a wedding I attended last night. What is it that people think being religious means that everyone else around them has to be uncomfortable? Does that even make sense? Like because you don't pray like them, dress like them, eat like them, think like them you basically need to suffer! It is amazing to think that you need to preform daily rituals in the eyes of God, to be a better person; to be a more worthy person. Isn't is really all about how you are to mankind? How you treat other people, what do you do with your life that makes you a better person? Doing for people as you would like done to you? So why it is that THE most religious people ostracize those not like them? Ironic no? Today I am revering from a dry wedding, where dinner still had not been served at 10:30 PM, I am with 2 BEYOND exhausted children, and 50 minutes away from him. When I tell you it was the BIGGEST shit show on the face of this planet I am being "conservative" for lack of a better term! I am nursing a REALLY infected tooth that needs to be pulled next week, on vicodin and antibiotics so life sucks a bit more than normal today. HOWEVER it is Friday, and you know what that means…more time to not do what I don't wanna do. BON WEEKEND!! XOXOXO BTC

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I started a new workout about a week ago called, T25. Shawn T. who introduced Insanity to me, leads the pack…and let me tell you it's 25 minutes of pure fucking, amazing HELL! I am a sweat ball when I am done, and loving almost every moment of it:) You should check it out if you want to make a bump up on your workouts, you feel FIERCE when you are finished that's for shit sure! I feel like changing up the workouts is the same way I change my hairstyles, nail polish, shoes, bags, coats…it makes everything feel and look fresher! I am am avid worker outer and have been my entire life. I think I have been doing something daily for AT LEAST 20 years and it really does feel amazing. You would think I would be in the best shape of my life, but then life gets in the way too:) HA! It's Wed. so you know what I say close to the weekend…PHEW! OH but we do have a wedding tomorrow, Brian's cousin is getting married on a THURSDAY no less, and oh I failed to mention I have to be covered from my toes to the top of my head; basically a burka, LITERALLY!! It's a black hat wedding (if you know what I mean), so I can't even dance with my man. UGH I love Brian but this shit is WACKED! OYE VEY! XOXO BTC

Monday, March 17, 2014


I realized that I have a plethora of information to offer…but I rarely do that on here, mostly b/c who reads it; BUT non the less I do. What area would you like to know more about? Fashion? PR? Kids? Just curious… XOXO BTC


What happens when someone you liked, or felt like you HAD to like given who they were connected with…you can no longer stand; AND the worst part about it is that this person will be in my life forEVER! It's Monday I fucking hate everyone! XOXO BTC

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


The most constant thing in the world, is change. I think when my father died someone said that to me, at that point I was SO in the middle of trying to deal with the actual death, I didn't fully understand what that meant. NOW that I have had so much change in my life I really get it. Everything happens for a reason, when one door closes another one opens, when one thing ends something else starts…I really believe it all DOES in fact happen for a reason, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger; you know all that jazz. Sometimes I wonder why we are tested the way that we are, why some people are tested and don't succeed, vs. those who are tested and DO succeed! Can I please do the latter? Starting some new ventures soon, and I am scared shitless that it will fail. Then again, if I don't try I will never know right? Tomorrow is hump day…HUMP day, just wish I had someone to hump. HA OYE! XOXO BTC

Sunday, March 9, 2014


It's so true, if things were super easy then why would anyone take the leap of faith anyway?? If things were SO easy to do, and moves from company to company were hardly thought out then in reality, why make the move? You just kinda know when things are done, when it's time to move on…the question is, do you have the guts to make the move? I hate to say I do, b/c some of those moves never proved to be what I had anticipated. It's Sunday night, so a new week is just about to start. I have SO much hope for the future, it gives me strength and courage to move on from things that are not working now. Wishing everyone a successful week…the weekend is just days away! XOXO BTC

Thursday, March 6, 2014


I had a LOT of wonderful teachers in my day, and then I had a few really shitty ones too. Some did things they should not have done with other students, some were just more focused on those who were really smart; others payed attention to you if you attending all the classes and just worked hard. BUT my favorite was the teacher (whom I literally blocked by the way), that said to me you can't write the way you write, you can't write the way you talk…that will never fly in the real world. WELL WELL WELL, here I am getting the chance of al lifetime to do EXACTLY that, to write like I talk! Feels REALLY good, but also feels incredibly liberating. It's Thursday night, do you know where your children are? HA! XOXO BTC


It's amazing to think about all the time we all put in, working and how little time we put in for ourselves. The entire day is managing other people's expectations, lines and launches you get home and then it's managing our kids shit, and then FINALLY you get into bed with the computer; work, fall asleep and then do it all over again! The only thing I wish I could do better is, "whistle while I work." It's another day in the nordic in NYC, and it's just not giving up without a fight! It's March for christ sake and it feels like the 1st day of January, cold, depressing and cold. BUT you know what I say, it's close to the weekend and that makes everything feel better! Enjoy your day my friends…until next time. XOXO BTC

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I SWEAR Cheryl Crow said it right! "A change will do you good", is right! I chopped off a LOT of hair today…some would say a mini-pixi and I a feeling FIIINNNNNNNNEEE. I needed a change, I really did. Going out for some cocktails with a BF tonight and could really use a hell of a lot of tequila; SO we are heading for a margarita!! It's Hump day, and that's always one of my favs. You can't beat a day that leans more towards the end of the week than the beginning:) HA! KISSES! XOXO BTC

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


IT happened, now what?!?!?! BTC


How is it that I don't run the world like the President of the US, I don't even run a fortune 500 company for christ sake; but I can tell good product from bad, the question is why can't the designer? What does it take to design a line, I get asked that question all the time. Being that I don't design a line myself at the moment, I know it would be strange for me to even attempt to put my 2 cents in, but it takes a SHIT load more than a love for fashion. I think a lot of people think you can love fashion therefore you can successfully design a line. That's just not the case, there are plenty of people who look the part but can't design well for shit. Any time you launch a brand of some type whether it be clothing, accessories, an e-commerce site whatever, you have to have a firm understanding of who your customer is; AND more importantly brand integrity. Your amazing shirt needs to match your packaging which needs to match your logo, which needs to match your name, etc. You have to have the ENTIRE package so to speak. What's up next for me? This makes me think… Terrible Tuesday come and get me! XOXO BTC

Monday, March 3, 2014


Remember as a kid, when people used to say mean things to someone else and that person would rhetorically answer, "I know you are but what am I?" I feel like I could use that line now, on SO many people! What is it about the older you get, the weirder people get? OR are you getting weirder and everyone else says the same thing about you? I always wonder what do people REALLY think about me (clearly a loaded questions). I would hate to know the answer to that on so many levels, but then again I also want to know just so I can categorize myself at this age(strange but true). Case in point, when I was a kid some people could not handle my humor, they would tell me I was too honest and that my joking hurt their feelings. I would get offended b/c that was not what I even intended to do. Rather I was aiming to make them laugh, in most cases during heavy situation; I always tried found humor even in times of crisis. I clearly used humor to deal with the situation at hand. I think at a young age that's hard for people to understand and even harder for me to know that was WHY I was going it! I mean for fuck sake EVERYONE wonders if they would have handled some situations differently, or did did things like exaggerate whatever to make themselves more noticeable with a group of people who sucked ANYWAY; what life might be like? I would not change ANY of my experiences for ANYTHING at all. When you have an easy road you can't possibly be the same as the person who has endured many struggles. Just some food for thought... Happy Monday! XOXO BTC

Sunday, March 2, 2014


I am SUCH a grinch when it comes to the Oscars. I want to love it, I used to take part of putting bags on so many of the stars for SO many years, but I just don't give a shit. WELL, wait I should say I don't give a shit at all about what everyone is wearing…I think it's a great honor for those who take part in the day. It's SUCH an honor clearly to even attend, but the way that people care SO much about the fashion; and feel compelled to discuss it makes my wanna puke. I know that technically, b/c I am in the industry I should care so what does that say about me, that I don't? I feel like I have only really told a couple of people that and to put it on here might be dangerous; then again when I have I ever been the person to hold back:) Today is Sunday, and for the first time in a VERY long time I feel a little bit more relieved. Why…well that will come in time. Happy week! XOXO BTC