Monday, July 1, 2013


YOU FILL IN THE BLANKS IF YOU CAN! Why is it that someone with NO unique personality, other than copying some of Miley Cyrus's looks, can have a blog that's so successful; brands turn to her for style advice? I don't want to be a nay-sayer b/c I blog myself and who am I from Adam? BUT I don't claim to be anything that I am not, and I don't get paid (unfortunately) for my opinions; that may or may not suit other people! AND there are so many people that do what that girl does she just happen to market herself better. DO you think that she knows that? Do you think she knows anyone can really duplicate what she is doing and do it probably just as well? I am angry about it for no reason, other than people have been dressing like that for just got it going at the right time, right place. It's July 1st, time for a new month with new fucking problems! XOXO BTC

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