Tuesday, August 26, 2014


What's that really annoying saying Tereasa Guidice uses on Real Housewives of New Jersey? "Haters gonna hate?" I think the single most annoying thing that people do to other people, is doubt their abilities to get things done. I guess there is always going to be those people who ACTUALLY can't do things, but you see I am not so when people (and some of them I know extremely well) doubt my ability to get things done…I get extremely frustrated. I should really say that it infuriates me actually, to say frustrated would be far too kind. Have you ever had a night you thought might go one way, and ends up going a completely different way? I mean it's "Terrible Tuesday" so clearly my day is going to go as planned (shit storm), but I don't like being blindsided by my man, saying things to the effect that I could BE more, DO more when the lot of women he knows DO nothing! UGH FUCK HIM, FUCK EVERYONE! xoxo BTC

Monday, August 25, 2014


I mean I know it's not technically the end of summer, but it sure as shit feels that way! I am kinda ok with that, b/c it's literally my FAV. time of year! I do also have to admit that I use to like it a bit better, when I did not have kids (kind of like everything else), b/c I could just enjoy the weather, drinking in the warm/cold weather, wearing cute outfits at night, all that shit! And clearly I can't do that anymore, now it's about paying for the girls parties and fucking homework UGH! Just being honest. It's Tuesday tomorrow, Aiden is freaking out about school and there's just a shit load of crap going on…wishing Brian was home so he could go through it with me, but alas he's not. He's at his freaking football draft!! ARG! XOXO BTC

Thursday, August 21, 2014


I do, I love him more! I love my man oh yes I do, I love my man but love him way better when he is new! Meaning!!!! When he goes away for business, I love him more when he walks through the door. I reach for the glass faster than I can give him that kiss when he walks in…alive. UGH just a thought:) XOXO BTC

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Today I spent the day bringing both my kids (and Aiden's friend), to a place called Van Saun Park. It's a little zoo, train that you ride, a merry-go-round and a GIANT park that consists of tennis courts, a park for kids, etc. Sounds amazing right? NOT! In theory it would be great to spend the day walking around on such grounds, seeing the animals, riding the train, but think about it. Wouldn't it be amazing to do it alone? OYE so bad. I DO enjoy doing things like that with my kids, sans the fighting in the car, the screaming, putting them on dirty toilets, sweating my freaking ASS off getting them in and out of the car, strollers, etc. As I write this, I actually feel guilty saying that I did not fully enjoy that time…and that I can't wait to hang with my girls this weekend (with kids of course). UGH I feel like a terrible person!! It's Thursday tomorrow, closer to the weekend (even though all the days blend into each other) just makes me feel good when I say the word FRIDAY! Monday, Tuesday, WTH. BOOYA! XOXO BTC

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


I know in most cases unless you have experienced something yourself, it's hard to really know what people go through. Like you feel badly if a friend loses a parent, but you REALLY get it if you lost one yourself. OR if someone has a child with special needs, you can only IMAGINE what it is like you can't REALLY feel the full scope of what it is like. I find that people who don't have kids have a hard time understanding what it takes to raise a person/persons. It's like they kind of get it, but they can't fully understand what it is like on just about every level. I am not saying there's anything wrong with that, it's just something we as parents have to cope with when you have to deal with people who can't really relate to you. It could be a friend, a sibling, etc. it's just fucking annoying A LOT of the time, and when you insinuate that is the case they get mildly offended that you would even think that. Problem is, it's true they just can't seem that all the time. I recently made a plan with a childless person, who was taking my child to do something. The plans got crossed over with an important dr. appt. which would affect the plans that we did make; AND I know that's super annoying. HOWEVER, the dr. is that much more important than the activity so they get annoyed that I messed up the plan (and it is annoying), but I get annoyed that they can't understand the appt. is very important! UGH It's "Terrible Tuesday" today so you know what that means…this day is gonna BLOW! XOXO BTC

Sunday, August 17, 2014


I can fully remember sitting in the car with my father, listening to the Commodores singing, "easy like sunday morning." We would harmonize beautifully and sing the entire song together, each taking the parts of the song we knew we were us! I miss that, singing with my dad. Due in part to the fact that my mother has THE worst voice on the face of this planet! Today is Sunday, I know I have talked in some of my other blogs about that Sunday blues that I no longer get, that I know most people deal with every single week. I feel incredibly thankful that that feeling is gone. I woke up to rain this AM, and given there are just a few more weekends left before summer is over is kind of a bummer; BUT I also enjoy the rain on a Sunday morning. It just seems appropriate, rain on a Sunday morning. We spent the weekend at Brian's parents to enjoy the pool, family, friends and it was really nice. There is a part of us that understand the possible joys of living down here, but then we think it's an hour away from NYC so how would that work for us? We are forever in the city, Brian still works daily in NYC, how would we really LIVE here. I am not loving being back in Tenafly, in fact I kinda loathe the area. I know it's close to New York, it's a nice place to live, the school system is like #3 in the state so for all intensive purposes it sounds good…BUT it's not. It's clearly not about me, it's about what is best for the kids yet I am not sure that it even IS the best for the kids. In a perfect world they would go to prep school like I did, have really nice friends that are not affected, and know the value of a dollar. That's my goal in the not so distance future! Have a restful Sunday! XOXO BTC

Friday, August 15, 2014


Of course it's true that I stand out like a sore thumb in oh so many ways…so many different places. But when you stand out like a sore thumb in your family, it somehow makes it that much worse! I don't really know what my husband ever really saw in me? I mean we are so completely different to the core, that I sometimes wonder how we really got together? I mean SO many people who are married are basically one in the same. They look alike, they come from the same backgrounds, they are the same religion, race, I could go on until the cows come home; but you get my point. I don't see those major differences as much as I used to, but they are definitely still there. I think when we include extended family, it's SO apparent. I think to myself if I see it, there's no reason in gods name HE does not see it; or "they" don't for that matter. Then something happens, and it's oh so clear. Marriage is TOUGH, it's incredibly rewarding but it's also SUPER tough…kind of like starting a new business, but like every day:) TGIF! XOXO BTC

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Clearly this is not an important post, but I am kinda wanting some of my hair back and it has to grow. :) I LOVE it short, I have always been a short hair person but I guess I am simply not as cute as I used to be! SO I want some of my freaking hair back. I am obsessing about how long it's going to take to grow, and how it will grow out? Do I cut in during the grow out process? Do I just leave it and let it grow out awkwardly? This is the shit I am thinking about today. While there are MAJOR issues in the world, this is what is on my mind. UGH how much do I suck right now? Onto the next thing…that thing being Thursday, which is always closer to my favorite day of the week…….FRIDAY! XOXO BTC

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


"TEEN WITCH" changed my life!! I mean that fucking movie rocks me to my knees and brings me back to my childhood….and I mean that in a good way! Today is "Terrible Tuesday" so I threw that shit up on Instagram for shits and giggles and it was a HIT! NOT that I am at all surprised, but it really is the WORST/BEST movie ever! It's that part of the week that I hate, the one when I Don't go into NYC everyday so it's lovely…but at the same time I am not forced to be at the beck and call of any of my clients! I have everything in the world to do and nothing at the same time. I can find the dumbest shit to do, and then realize I have WAY more important things going on that need to be taken care of, but if there is not REAL deadline, and no REAL priority how do I prioritize? UGH! Oh well, tonight we are off to dinner with one of Brian's best girlfriend's who is in town. I don't like drinking during the week, but I won't turn it down either:) HOLLA! OMG that sounds awful. XOXO BTC

Monday, August 11, 2014


I don't know, Nike really did get it right when that slogan came out! Am I the only one who emails back right away? corresponds to get things done right away? Wants results as soon as possible? My business partner and I always say that we were always the first to address an email, answer an email, deal with an issue…while so may other people simply DRAG their ass, EVEN when in many ways conversations could/would benefit them too! It's SUPER fucking annoying, as is everyone on earth to me this AM. I knew it was going to be that kind of Monday when I Am dealing with all this little (yet important) stuff that I really want and need to get done, doesn't. Isn't that always the way the week begins? Kind of in-between on all the projects and I have never been good at standing still! UGH Monday, FUCK YOU! XOXO BTC