Tuesday, December 25, 2012


You would think that after all these years the cliche holidays would not bother me anymore...that after all this time, I would be for lack of a better term...over it. BUT sometimes Christmas does get me, I guess it's a holiday that reminds me of GREAT times and also really CRAPPY times. Lets see if I can remember a little of both.
I remember (fondly) setting up a train for my brother that went around the xmas tree, late at night with my mom, when of course I no longer believed in Santa...but my baby brother did. My mom and I had a GREAT time, I stayed up late, we laughed it was really the first time I got to do that...that being my first year not believing in Santa anymore. The following morning however really threw me for a loop...I was just a few months into the 4th grade so you can imagine, extremely impressionable. It's Christmas morning, and my mom got me this GOD awful outfit I HAD to have (sweatshirt dresses were all the rage), and this one was Gold and Black (I know, for real? YES for real). I opened that box and my heart stopped, I finally had an outfit that some of the girls I knew and was friends with had...from a hideous store called, Marcia's Attic. Now that I have kids you couldn't pay me money to go there! In any event, I thought I was hot shit...and according to the general world of the 80's I was! My father came that morning to pick us up to spend Christmas day with him, my stepmother and my grandmother...I walked out like I owned the joint and my father literally said to me, or rather my mom, "how could you dress her like that she looks like a whore." There are no words. When I think about that today, being that I have 2 kids that are GIRLS, makes me want to punch him back from dead (no pun intended). I remember that time so fondly and at the same time it was one of the worst christmas's of my entire LIFE. So, with that said...I miss you Dad, A LOT on most days but I wish more than anything I could have that moment back, b/c there are times that I revert back to that person and don't like who I am. What I know for sure is that moment made me stronger in the end, made me realize what NOT to do as a parent, so for that I am forever thankful. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night! XOXO BTC

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