Friday, December 7, 2012


SO, Hanukkah starts tomorrow...the festival of lights! We will be kicking it off with Brian's family and then continuing the celebration the following week with friends. I really do enjoy all of this holiday cheer for my kids but jesus H.C (so appropriate for this covo.) it cost an arm and a leg; AND these kids get way too much shit if you ask me. How do you create a balance between giving and getting? 8 nights of Han, then xmas, it's insanity! I don't want the kids to not enjoy it to the full extent but I mean can you imagine how much loot that is? AND how much we spend on them? Do people really understand it's about giving not getting? Or rather both? Anyhoo...for all who celebrate Hanukkah, have a very HAPPY and healthy one! Bon weekend. XOXO BTC

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