Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I think a little time off from your significant other is a MUST...even if it means counting a business trip as "time off." I know I need it and I can't imagine my man does not feel the same! Given that we are a household of women (and one man), when the man's nice just being with the girls! I get some time for me when the kids go to bed, I can watch whatever I want, eat whatever I want, go to bed whenever I want and so on and so forth. By the time I start missing my husband, he is home. I am always encouraged (by my man) to be with my girlfriends, go away with my girlfriends, take time for me, etc. I can't imagine being with someone who is NOT like that...although I know there are tons of women who are married to men who would strongly disagree. Interestingly enough most of my friend's men feel the same way, which allows us to have time with each other...just the girls. Looking forward to a couple of days to chill with my girls, taking time for me, and then seeing him again on Sunday...his BDAY! XOXO BTC

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