Friday, June 18, 2010


**FIRST of all, I am OBSESSED with this, check it out!

I often think about what it would be like if I sat on the bowl pushing out a poop and out came my baby. Think about it like this, how hard would I really have to push for that to happen? When you are giving birth they tell you to bear down like you are pushing out a bowel movement, so if they baby were technically ready to come out then would it happen?

Constipation is certainly a part of pregnancy even if you have never suffered a day of constipation in your life when you are not pregnant! I feel extremely lucky to never have had this problem when NOT pregnant; however I have not been so lucky during both my pregnancies. At one point I told Brian (and friends) I thought I was having contractions at like 4 moths as a result of stomach spasms; due to constipation. Here are some things you can take (ONLY IF YOUR DOCTOR RECOMMENDS) to relieve some of the built up, tushy tension: Colace ( take that 1-3 times a day). IF I am DESPERATE you can gag your way through Milk of Magnesium and then in 12 hours you will have a fun filled, serious bout of dia. AGAIN, these are simply suggestions and things that my dr. had recommended to MUST MUST check with your physician. Also recommended are Fleet adult suppositories. If you are comfortable sticking things up your butt (no pun intended) a suppository will work you out in a matter of moments! A last resort I would say...but definitely doable!

You can certainly eat the fiber rich foods, help things down that little highway of yours...whole grains, fruits, veggies, etc. but I know for some that's not possible. You sometimes don't love the things you love when not pregnant, so if you can't do that...well this too shall pass. Excercise (this I can attest to) DOES in fact help. I guess all the movement works it down? Who knows...

So there you have it, I often worry about pushing the baby out while pooping. If you have not ever felt that way, you are going to think that I am crazy. If you have felt that way, but never admitted it out-loud you are probably STILL going to think I am crazy...what can you do...

Have a great weekend all...more to come next week!

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