Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Morning everyone!

Mornings in NYC can be interesting...whether it's your commute to work (strange people on the train, bus, etc.), trying to hail a taxi for 20 minutes watching every other F__ER get one and you can't, or just starting off on the wrong foot at home with your loved one, child, etc., there is always DRAMA of some sort in New York City in the morning. I am hard pressed to believe that anyone is exempt, even the bridge and tunnelers!

However, when you walk down the street in the am (or really anytime of day as a woman) you are certainly privy to all of the delicious cat calling that goes on. It could be a passing car, the cliche construction workers, women who look like men... whomever, you just know it's bound to happen to you at some point or another. Some of you may find this extremely interesting, but more importantly surprising that it still occurs even when you are pregnant! Now I feel a couple different ways about this. First thing that comes to mind, WTF are you thinking? I obviously did not impregnate myself so 9 out of 10 times there is a mate in the picture. Two, WTF are you thinking? I am SO not looking my best; I want to yell at the top of my lungs, "ASSHOLE YOU SHOULD SEE WHAT I GOT GOING ON WHEN I AM NOT PREGNANT!" It just amazes me, it really does! Do you think they have wives? Would they want some man yelling that at their pregnant daughter? I think NOT! I mean really, my husband does not even look at me like that.

If you have a moment check out my guest editor spot today on to come kids, more to come...

PS: My business partner, Beth Overzat, edits my blog have to her thank for minimal misspellings! HA

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