Thursday, January 10, 2013


What do you do when a friend's in need, and you NEED to tell them the truth about what's up? Do you just go there and give them your thoughts? Or do you hold back in fear you may hurt their feelings? I don't know, for me...I think I would want my friends to be as honest as possible, even though I know it may hurt like hell!! I still think that sometimes hearing it from a friend you know, love and trust makes it that much more real. I have gone through things in my life that only certain people know about, and they just gave me the real deal. Gave it to my straight, let me know what was up, and made sure I got my shit back together! Does it change if you are dealing with a male friend over a female friend, and Vice versa? Probably. Sometimes I think it's easier when you are dealing with a friend that is a boy over a girl. You know we girls can be hard, vicious and straight up bitches:) XOXO BTC

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