Sunday, August 11, 2013


I think one thing that separates those who have kids and don't, is having them is the most selfless thing you will EVER do, literally. It is the most selfless act, it's not at all about you anymore it's all about them; and really when it's right it's the way you want it to be. One of my best friends came up for the weekend, and she decided she and her husband (much older) are not going to have kids. In addition to his age, and hers (she's 38) she is a juvenile diabetic. The risks are incredibly high when carrying children on the mother, that the risks out-way the prospect of having children. It's an incredibly smart decision on her part (I think), and I like knowing she will be around to celebrate the rest of our lives together. The kids spent the night out at Poppy and Grandma's with Brian, while Julie Dana and I spent the night engaging in THE most fun I have had in a VERY long time. We laughed, we cried, we yelled and enjoyed literally every moment while doing it. We still remember the Camp Merriwood beat like we were standing in the dining hall waiting for corn fritters on a Sunday night! It's THE most unique bond, the absolute amazing connection you can only have with certain people...I am thankful for them more than they know. I will continually make my friendships with my girls a priority, they are my lifeline; my SANITY:) I hope everyone had a lovely weekend, Monday is just around the damn corner:) XOXO BTC

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