Tuesday, August 13, 2013


What is it about shady people, that makes my head want to explode! I think one MAIN reason is I like people to just be upfront about things...and when they are not, it's just plain shady! There are so many people in the world of fashion who just want to get ahead, and in doing that very few do it gracefully. The ones that do I would hope succeed, the ones that do not...I hope don't. I had a client bold face lie to me, literally lie to my face for no reason. To THEN proceed to get caught, b/c I am too well connected to the world of editorial. People talk, it happens and they would really know that. On another note, we have decided to leave NYC. It's a LONG time coming (and even longer if you have been reading this blog for a while:), but we know it's the right decision, hands down. The kids will have a yard, they will walk to school, enjoy the fresh-air and the downtime, etc. We won't have to worry about a ridiculous amount to spend on pre-school, who gets in where and why, etc. It's a BIG step, I have and will continue to cry about it, but have big hopes and big dreams for my girls:) Hope everyone is having a lovely "Terrible Tuesday!" xoxo BTC

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