Monday, May 27, 2013


Today is Memorial Day, and I first have to thank everyone who has given their life so that we could live in the glorious country that we live in. It goes without say on most day, but today it must be addressed. We thank you and we admire your strength and dedication to the USA! On a lighter note, we came home early in the AM from friends and decided to make it a Manhattan day! The weather was INSANELY gorgeous and we always talk to the kids about how we lived downtown; so today seemed like a great day to go down and enjoy the area! We decided to head down to the West Village, sit outside and enjoy the weather, go to the park and then last but not least...have a sweet treat! It was such a lovely family day, and I really cannot wait to do MORE of those types of things now that the girls are older; and more importantly easier:) I am so thankful everyday for my family, our health, happiness, etc. I hope whatever you were doing...was with people you love too! Happy Memorial Day! Here's to a GREAT summer! XOXO BTC

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