Saturday, May 18, 2013


Why is it that there is always that person who says they are sooooo busy? Like they are the busiest person in the world...and it's always the ones that have no one else to worry about, but themselves! I had to break it to you sister, but that's a crock of crap. I don't care what people think when I say this but you can't possibly be the busiest person in the world when you only manage yourself! There is this one person (who will remain nameless) that always says she's SOOO tired, so busy and just needs a vacation. Now this person is NOT married, does NOT have kids, and is a fucking teacher. WHICH means she does not work on weekends, gets insane vacations, summers off...oh and wait she's in her freaking 50's! She complains about going to school but signs up for those classes. She complains she has so much to do, yet all her time is devoted to herself. She says she has no time for anything, but her time is only filled up with things SHE needs to do. Amazing how one person's depiction of reality can be so skewed! I don't like to compare and contrast and I think that sometimes it's hard to really understand what other people deal with on a daily basis when you don't have that yourself, HOWEVER you HAVE To know if you are just worrying about yourself life can't be THAT hectic; unless of course you are running a 3rd world country! Anyway, what a lovely sat. it is...not doing much of anything, and relaxing with family. Hope everyone's enjoying their weekend too! XOXO BTC

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