Monday, May 20, 2013


What is it about people who constantly take vacation, that I wanna punch? I mean not ones that make millions, or who even deserve to go on a vacation...I am talking those that don't really work, even though they own a company. The ones who just think they need to "get away" but yet they don't do much of anything? The ones who's companies are not even doing so well they just think they "deserve" it; while assholes like me work day in and day out. What do they get "two tickets to paradise?" What does it say about you when you feel like you cannot disconnect from work? I mean when you make tons of EARNED income, and have discretionary money at your disposable I think that's fair; AND if you don't make tons of money but work all the time can for SURE take a vacation. In truth I really hate those people, and I know it's not really fair for me to hate them, but I do! UGH typical monday, hate everyone and just wanna pack it in! XOXO BTC

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