Monday, May 6, 2013


I swear sometimes juggling a little bit of everything is fun, actually a lot of the time. THEN there are times when I want to literally jump off the bridge! When I just can't take ONE more thing, I have been pushed over the edge. As I sit here writing this blog entry, I have 2 kids under a self-made tent, with 4 thousand snacks all over the fucking floor, pushing each other around in a stroller (the baby stroller)...while I do work, TV blaring with music, dinner cooking, the little one throwing a tantrum; I could go on and on and on!! I love that I have a little bit of everything in my life, my kids, my man, my work, my friends, my family...but sometimes, SOMETIMES I want to run away and hide on a deserted island; ALONE. How is it that people think that they are busier than everyone else? I love those people who ONLY worry about themselves (and not celebrities), and they act like they don't have time to take a shit. LIKE FOR REALS? UGH well you know it's one of those days, Mondays that is...where you want to punch the shit out of everyone, yourself included! Bring it on Terrible Tuesday! XOXO BTC

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