Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Is it possible that when you have more than one child, you can "like" one better of the other? In other words, I mean you have to love them both inside and out, all the good and all the bad...but is it possible to really like one better than the other? I think the answer has to be...YES! I am sure I could get a lot of slack for saying that, but my thoughts are this...there has to be one you connect with more, on a friend level than the other. There HAS to be that bond that can't be broken between a mother and a child, and that's something you have to equally share; BUT what if you are really friends with one over the other. One is probably your "go to" person, and the other one is always the 2nd to know (or whatever position you have depending on how many kids). Then the question is, does the other know? Meaning does the one you like less, know they are liked less? AND when I say like you know what I mean, this is NOT at all dependent on how much you love your child. OYE the things we think about, or I should say the things that go on in my head! Happy "Terrible fucking Tuesday!" XOXO BTC

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