Monday, February 18, 2013


And I am not even talking business. Forget that because that's just fucking annoying...I mean at home. You would THINK being home with the kids and my man would be enjoyable, but it is kinda just the opposite more annoying than anything else! Why is it that the kids need the MOST attention, and so does the husband? WHY am I constantly doing the dishes, running the dishwasher, picking everything up off the floor known to man, cleaning the apt, organizing the free ass world!! There is no "down time" or relaxation or even any excitement about just hanging out just does not happen. I hate to sound so selfish and incredibly insincere but I don't know how many people TRULY enjoy it. What I can say is being someone who stays home, ALL the time with my children would kill a little bit of me EVERY single day. Mama's gotta have some damn time off. So tomorrow is "TT" (aka Terrible Tuesday) enjoy it best you can, b.c you know no matter what it's gonna SUCK! XOXO BTC

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