Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Do you think it is possible to wake up every morning, and say...this is going to be a GOOD day? I hear people say that all the time so I am going to begin an experiment. For the next week I am going to wake up and say that, feel it, know it and see if it changes anything for me. As much as I am an incredibly honest person, I find that for the most part I am an optimist. I think if you can visualize it and work for it it is possible to make things happen. I do wake up on MOST days and think this is going to be a good day. I think the difference is that when I wake up I don't TELL myself that, in those terms. I don't visualize it every day, to really make it happen. There are days that are just automatically shitty aka my famous "Terrible Tuesday". Those were and always will be just that...terrible tuesday. My husband is a bit more or I should a lot more of a pessimist. I try to change that about him, but to no avail. I think really it is engrained in his head that, that will simply not work. You can't think it's going to be a good day and then have it happen. I want him to be the one to wake up and say that every day. Join in the experiment WITH me, b/c he would be the one that if it does work and we do see change, it will hopefully make a bigger, more positive impact on his life every day. I want to be that person the one that's always positive, and I think on many levels I am; not to be confused with my honesty...or how I feel about people's stupidity:) I follow someone on Twitter a friend that always says, "HEY lets make this a great day"I don't know maybe he's on to something! XOXO BTC

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