Friday, February 1, 2013


I am happy to say that my evening will include my older daughter, my best friend, her daughter...lots of wine, a fire, and then some. There's nothing like an end to a week, that includes all of those things. Some time with just ONE kid, some time with NO man, and just your best girlfriend. I miss the days when we could just make a game-time decision to see each other; at one of our apts. Or just pick a bar and meet after work when we had nothing to come home to, but our men. Gone are those days when we lived so close together that a trip to one of our apts included a cab ride, subway OR even just a walk! Where does the time go? It all goes by so fast, you just blink and you have been friends for a lifetime. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend, whatever you have planned. Kiss the ones you love and punch the ones you don't! HA juuuuusst kidding. Kinda:) BON WEEKEND! XOXO BTC

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