Thursday, February 21, 2013


What is it about an insecure man that is so disgusting?? The need to look like you have it all together, that you love yourself more than anyone else; and that the world should love you JUST as much as you love yourself! It really is pathetic. Their need to have their ego stroked, thinking that the way they do things is the only way to do it; you know the HOLY way. They surround themselves only by people that dote on them, tell them they are great and appease their every move. An insecure man is a disgusting man. They barely have a life, yet brag about all they do and places where they go; OH and we can't forget who they are with! Dare I say it's all the same "type" of person? They think flashing money around can buy them love, happiness, FRIENDS for christ sake! Wine and dine anyone and everyone to show your powerful self (insert vomit)!! We all know someone like this, at home, at work, friends, etc. and we all have to deal with them in some way. Both men and women for sure, but for some reason it's just so much worse with a man! At times I have waned to call them out on their bullshit (imagine that:), but then feel badly at addressing what they probably don't even see. OYE! XOXO BTC

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