Thursday, April 4, 2013


Not sure who I want to slap me, but know that it's GOT to be done! I am feeling super sorry for myself this evening...after the post the other day, about being thankful for what you HAVE not what you DONT have! Why do the tables turn daily? Doesn't everyone need a good old fashion slap in the face at some point? I want the best for my girls, always, forever! I mean I want the same thing for my man, but my girls are the reason I breathe, work, want more, do more, start new things, work so hard...I want them to have all the things that I had and more, I want them to know what hard work means; and that there's a return on every investment. I want them to thrive in an rich environment, with good people, different types of people. I want them to be disappointed so that they know what it feels like to be let down, to then have to build themselves back up. I want all of those things for my girls. I want to be a good parent, a good wife, a great friend. I want to make the impossible possible, or rather I don't want them to think that ANYTHING is impossible...that it's all possible, if you work hard enough. You can have, be, do anything that you want. On a lighter note, I think I may have poured myself an overly large glass of vodka this evening:) XOXO BTC

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