Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I just realized something about myself, I tend NOT to state the obvious (believe it or not), if it pertains to something obvious about someone, that's slightly uncomfortable for everyone. For example, if someone has a giant growth on their face and it's BEYOND clear that it's there I am never the person to point that out when they leave. OR I am never the person when someone is acting out of control and it's just uncomfortable for everyone, to say something about that person…I always let someone else bring it up; and I go as far sometimes as to say I don't see it. The question is why? Why CANT SAY IT SAY IT?!?! It's really odd actually, it's like I can call things out all day long. My thing is I always try and speak what I am feeling but anything that's slightly uncomfortable I don't like to point out, b/c I guess in some ways I know how that feels. To be the ODD man out! I don't think I have ever said that or admitted that out loud, b/c then I would have to be honest about the fact that I do that. AND then I would be posed with the question WHY do I do that, and I don't think I ever really thought about why I do that, until now. Or rather I thought about it in my head, silently but certainly NOT out loud! WOW weird right? HAPPY HUMP DAY! XOXO BTC

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