Monday, February 3, 2014


It's always THE most talented, THE smartest people who end up succumbing to the deamons of death. It is amazing to think such creative minds can be so corrupt. Why do we lose so many amazing people to drugs, so young…and how can we stop this madness. It saddens me to think that people ask questions like what is wrong with them? Or why can't they just get their lives together? Clearly it's not that easy, you can't just "get rid" of a disease you can only manage it as best as possible. On a much lighter note, today is a snow day and I have both beavis and butthead home. I want to jump out of a window b/c if I am bored you know they are too! AND then I have my man telling me he HAS to get to NYC for work and that he may spend the night in a hotel for a few days b/c it's Legal Tech. FIRST Of all that's the biggest crock of shit I have ever heard, not to mention just pisses me off that he thinks that is even remotely OK, given I will once again be everything to everyone. I need a manicure and I can't even get THAT shit done! UGH, here we go again! #BORED XOXO BTC

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