Monday, June 3, 2013


I literally woke up this morning and felt like complete dog SHIT! I never have the case of the Monday Blues, it's always sunny skies for me on this day. I mean maybe not every Monday but for the most part, I don't have that thing everyone has when they have to go back to work. My personal life is my work life too for the most part, so I really enjoy coming in, every day. I think I just can't kick this freaking summer cold, and it has been hitting me like a ton of bricks! Anyhoo...I hope everyone had a nice weekend. We had a lovely outdoor summer weekend, always a lovely way to kick off the summer. We saw one of my best friends from childhood, one of my closest friends EVER, and someone we don't see as much as we should. I think it's weird to really pin-point WHY we don't see them, but rather it's just something that does not happen...because I really think on their side, they are sometimes weird. Case in point, the kids have a birthday party coming up and we were not invited; IN FACT we have never been invited to one of their outdoor parties with the kids. I find it VERY strange, b/c I would never NOT invite him to anything I was going, we have been friends for so long it would be weird for me NOT to invite him. NOT to mention, our kids get along, we all get along, I am confused why we are always left out? NOW...they are weird in the sense that every year I invite them to my girls parties and they have not come since Aiden turned 2, LITERALLY! I am not sure if it's b/c we don't live where they live? Our kinds don't go to school together? Not sure what it is...but I can tell you, it's hurtful but more importantly fucking WEIRD! UGH, managing relationships is a hard job! Back to the grind, hope your day is better than mine! XOXO BTC

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