Sunday, March 24, 2013


SO what if you have a group of girls, in the burbs, and they rule the they ruled their 8th grade, mediocre school. SO what if you are set aside and not included in things; AND your kid feels like shit. SO what if that is "just the way it is" in the burbs...WELLLLL SO WHAT if you decide you want to change that, and take over the mother fucking place! I hear this constantly with all of my friends, that there are "mean girls" in their new suburban areas; so my question is why not take over? TAKE OVER THE DAMN AREA, and rule it. Push out those assholes who migrated (by marriage of course) to these over-priced, overly populated, ostentatious areas (and of course women with no careers just "managing" the homes), PUSH THEM OUT! Make them feel badly, make them feel like the way they act is NOT ok and if they don't change you will make their lives miserable (but of course always include their kids b/c you don't want any part of their bullshit). I mean you can't really make their lives miserable b/c you would be doing the same shit I am saying we hate, feel me. I just don't get it, why do girls even allow this type of behavior to continue and why does asshole breed asshole. I now have a friend who is literally moving from her home, to escape this type of behavior; the same behavior she endured in HS. WHY WHY WHY! In any event, I just don't know if I will ever know how to handle all of this to "avoid" it if you can, but at the same time knowing that you have to be around them and your kids may even BE friends! "Why can't we all be friends"...and why is this getting worse by the moment? Generation X grew up, now we have kids are migrating to all of these towns. If we were horrible then, we are even MORE horrible now...more money, more kids, etc. Kind of a nightmare when you think about it! That is my wish for this evening, that my friends finds happiness where she goes...and those bitches get the OLD look like early onset, anything bad:) I know I know I am going to hell, but hey at least I know I will have company! XOXO BTC

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