Wednesday, March 26, 2014


You know you can always count on a few people in your life, other than family of course..and when you narrow that down even further there's probably one girl who is like a sister to you…and same for boys. What happens when that good girl that you know and love goes bad? I had a situation the other day with my best friend and I TRULY threw me for a loop! I guess that would be an example of never say never! It's all said and done, and we are past it but that bad taste is still in my mouth…and in my mouth b/c I was not the one to lose my cool, she was in a BIG way. Now I think to myself if you can talk to me like that, for no reason what else is wrong with you? But then on the flip side if you think about all the times you fight with your family and say things that you don't mean, and you HATE them for that moment…what happens? You get over it, so clearly that's what I have to do too! UGH what a fucking annoyance. Today is Wed. and I am home b/c of the lovely mouth surgery I just endured. HEY could be worse! Happy Hump Day! XOXO BTC

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