Monday, March 24, 2014


Why is it that Candace Cameron annoys me so much? I liked her better in character that's for sure…the goofy, yet technically popular DJ on "Full House", WAY better than I can handle her now. I am all about doing your own thing, believing your own thing as long as you don't push your beliefs on other people; OR feel the need to say stupid shit like" I am going to be the most covered up person on, "Dancing with The Stars." Why on earth she can't just put more clothes on and shut it is beyond me! She annoys me, sorry if that seems offensive, come to think of it so does her brother and lord knows he was a hotty on "Growing Pains." I also can't imagine the lovely Greek hotness John Stamos can like her, he's just way to dirty:) Happy Monday! XOXO BTC

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