Monday, September 9, 2013


FUNNY ENOUGH...the actual move was WAY easier than keeping my sanity! I think the actual move and being in the burbs was actually quite's all the other shit that's hard! I think family disfunction is hard, and seeing more of it is never an inviting feeling. ALL of it makes me feel like it's a bit of a SHIT storm! I think I Am going to take a bath tonight, that might help for the time being. Is this was commuting it like? I sound like a crazy person in this post but my mind is just RACING! There is one family member that is BEYOND whacked (and I mean that b/c it's a general consensus)! Just makes things harder for, friends, etc. I wonder at times do they know that everyone feels that way about them? Or are they too self involved to think that it may be someone else? It's like staging an intervention. You ponder in your mind if you think it's worth even conversing about it, and then you think NAH too much of a headache...much better for him to live in his own misery:) OYE..."oh what a night...DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR!!" XOXO BTC

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