Thursday, November 15, 2012


When do you know when it's time to end a friendship, relationship, anything of that nature? When do you know it's time to part ways with the best of intentions, realizing you no longer have anything in common? Sometimes ending friendships are just as hard as ending a relationship...How exactly do you bow out gracefully? I have had several past friendships fizzle out, some just we just grew apart others more controversial. There are 2 sides to every story and then there's the truth but how do you determine the mistakes you may have made with those past friends you won't make with your present friends? I would have to assume that you would work harder on the friendships that you do have and those you do love, than you did with those you have lost. It's a 2 way street, you give and you take and you are there for one another. You need to give a little and they need to give a little, or it just won't work. I feel like so many people who are no longer in my life, were omitted for a reason. There are very few I still care, love and think about who are no longer in my "every day", and then more of those who I just kinda can't stand and probably can't stand me! I love when you run into someone you genuinely LOVE, and then loathe the times you run into those you don't. Such is life they say...As you get older you realize there are people you don't want to remain friends with and those you do. You are wiser, more independent, less concerned about outside influences and more concerned with what makes you happy. Food for to all!! XOXO BTC

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