Friday, April 25, 2014


I think I have always felt a little "fish out of water" if you will in my industry, b/c well I am not that strange. As odd as that may sound, I myself am not sure why people in my industry are so, well, odd. I mean clearly super talented, have a love for the art form, but are so strange and not approachable; yet admired by their peers and other industry figures. Sometimes I want to say, WTF the stranger you are the more successful you will become? Why don't the ordinary people ever really make it, b/c really they don't! Take the Olson sisters. SUPER talented, love the fact that they never got super fucked up as child stars, but if you watch them in an interview or simply walking around you think…ugh why are they so awkward. They are just one example but I think you get what I mean. On a much lighter note, today is Friday. You know I feel like the days just blend into one at this point in my life, but it does mean I can have a drink tonight and not feel badly about feeling badly tomorrow AM; when I wake me ass up to work it off. Gotta love how high I strive! XOXO BTC

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