Monday, July 14, 2014


Isn't it funny in life anytime things are looking bright (or brighter), something comes along to fuck it up again? It's just funny how life works that way…I had that happen today. I don't want to jinx it or make it worse by even identifying the issue, but it's annoying that things were really progressing nicely and then BOOM some shit has to hit that same damn fan! SO typical for a Tuesday but not typical for a Monday. ANYhoo….the weekend came and went, spent it with my besets friend in the entire world and her family, was very lovely. There was ONE thing (issue), when another family "stopped" by…the mesh of kids DID not work. I am used to throwing these girls into any situation and having it, well work! Along came this family with 2 kids, and one of them royally fucked the happy rotation. Needless to say it was a bit of a shit storm for 2 hours, and needless to say hoping I don't really have to see them again until one of their kids parties! AWFUL to say, BUT TRUE! My kids are certainly not the BEST kids in the world and they have their faults as does everyone, but this was a whole new level of annoying. Makes you wonder if they have any other friends? OYE to say the least! Hoping the week does not suck as much as today did…could really use a drink but it's Monday and I try to hold out at least until Tuesdays! XOXO BTC

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