Monday, September 22, 2014


I know THE most selfish individual on the face of this planet, and what makes it worse is that I don't think he thinks there is any other way to be. You know the type, the one that thinks everyone's out to get him and if it's not done the way he wants it done and when then you are the problem. YEAH that type. The one that can't understand that things can't happen always exactly when he wants it to happen; that life just runs around the circle they sit inside of…yeah that kind. I think it's worse when you can't connect on a personal level like you can't relate to each others lives. The reality is I DO have kids and I AM married, I can't go and do as I please, life doesn't work that way. As amazing as it is to have children you give up your own life for them, which I am FINE with…but it's just the way that it is. I feel sorry for him, I do. It's the kind of thing he will realize so late in the game that no apology will change the behavior. NOT to mention when you can't eliminate someone like this from your life, all you do is resent them. Sad but true. I think that people need to understand that when you can make something happen, you will and if you can't you just can't and you have to be ok with the word NO. If you don't hear the word NO enough, when you do hear it it does not sit well with that person. I am annoyed, frustrated and just about out of patience with this one…not WHAT???!?! UGH Happy Monday! XOXO BTC

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