Monday, August 8, 2011


I have been FEVERISHLY working on getting all the images, proposal and then some up to par...for my lovely agent to run with it! AND what I have noticed is that, between the business, the 2 kids, the husband and then of course other obligations...I have side-tracked my blog (not intentionally of course). BUT I am back talk more and say less? I don't know whatever that means.

So two kids is a total shit show at times, but others it's just great! I don't think the transition from having 1 kid to 2 kids, hit me NEARLY as hard as 0 kids to 1 kid! I think I anticipated the worst and hoped for the best? There was no way another Aiden would come out of me, so instead I had a mini Brian. The most delicious, laid back, easy going kid...with a little streak from me; kinda perfect! I think the hardest thing is balancing the freaking calendar of events between 2 kids and our own social life. I guess I don't realize how packed it is, until my own mother gives me shit about how we should slow down, blah blah blah. One thing I don't wanna do, is wake up and have the kids fully run my life. This way, if we integrate both, our friends and their kids we too reap the benefits!

Over this past weekend, at a "get-together", there was a group of women sitting discussing birth, pregnancy, etc. and I thought to myself this is why I wrote my book! They all want the same answers, and the ones who don't want to know everything can skip a chapter. But it was in a group (some not related to me in any way), and we live completely different lives, and we have that commonality! Funny thing is, I was sitting there for about a ten min. (some know of this book) and it did not even come up, a resource that is..just reinforces all this time, and energy I am putting into this is worth it!!!

Aight, so that's what I am gonna do...I am going to be more proactive writing in my blog...b/c if I don't, I just look bad! HA


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