Saturday, October 18, 2014


A totally strange title I know, but a light bulb literally just went off in my head. I can relate to sam sex couples who feel different walking down a suburban street. Meaning, I understand what it feels like for people to think a lovely gay female couple are "sisters" when in fact they are a couple. I understand how hard that can be, and also understand why people may think that to be true. It's the exact same thing with me when I am with my girls, Lila especially. I am never the mom or rarely I am always the nanny. Just makes sense to everyone that I would be. The link below is to a partial interview that Jillian Michaels did with Health Magazine, speaking of these types of struggles. I wish too sometimes I was with someone who looked more like me, ONLY for that same reason. You would be at peace in that area for just a moment. I don't know why people don't get that, and especially don't understand why the gay community would go after her for a comment like that; bottom line is she's fucking right! UGH people WAKE UP! Today is sat. I am sitting in bed watching Alice in Wonderland with Aiden and it's like heaven! XOXO BTC

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