Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Ain't that the truth? Considering how long I have been waiting, something is going to really rock my world! Ran into an old friend today at Starbucks, been happening more and more lately considering I am back in the same area I grew up in. Some of them I dodge but some are really nice to see, and I always really liked this guy so it was kind of pleasant. He's the same person just older and with grey hair. Same face (sweet), and just an all around nice guy. Still yelling BT across the place, I felt compelled to correct him that it was BTC now…come to think of it, did I even kiss and hug him hello? Wait yeah I did. I am finding that when I run into the guys it's so nice, and I just dodge the fuck out of the girls. Not many of them are interesting enough anymore, nor were they then so why spend the time connecting again even for a moment…if it's going to lead nowhere? I am sure many people would disagree but it's just the way I feel! I really do loathe the girls bullshit! XOXO BTC

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