Friday, March 29, 2013


I have to take comfort in saying that, "everything happens for a reason" because for so much of my life that is the ONLY thing that has gotten me by. If you think it, it can be...but if you think about it, what is "the reason?" I think that when you have something to say, think or anything like that it makes the unbearable, bearable. It gives you hope that things will get better, even if you can't see the end result before it appears. Then the question becomes does it happen for a reason, or does life just work the way it is supposed to b/c there is always another outcome, to solve a problem you think can never be solved? I would like to think there's some truth to things happening, and the outcome being your life's path...BUT, also think whoever said that needed that "slogan" to get by! If you are celebrating Easter this weekend, then I hope you spend it with the people you love! If not, then it's a great time to buy good candy at the Duane Reade's of the world! XOXO BTC

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