How certain people get into the positions they are in, is literally beyond me. I would never in a million years hire a doorknob to be on my team, not sure why so many people can see past it. Why is that? AND what does it say about the person doing the hiring?
I don't care who you are, if you have the personality of a wet blanket then you don't deserve to be in the media. You have talk to people day in and day out, so with a crap face look it makes it THAT much harder for us to tolerate. Take fashion for instance...everyone knows that "puss" on your face is just an act, or is it really who you are? Do you feel like with that face you are protecting yourself from the harsh world of fashion? Or do you feel like you will fit in better if you look that way? MORE importantly, how do you walk into market appointments with that fuck me look and not get popped? You work in a business where shmoozing with people is literally YOUR JOB so why the tude? Why the long face? Why the fuck can't you crack smile. I mean for christ sake, people have shown this notion of fashion in the movies, on TV, etc. so clearly the general public is aware that you do, exist. WTF is wrong with people?
I can't imagine having someone walk into my office, to only be greeted by a sneer. AND are you that good at what you do that you are not replaceable? That's bullshit! I don't know why more people don't talk about this...I guess for fear of losing their job or never getting another one; clearly 2 things I don't have to worry about (at this moment anyway:). It does not make you cooler it makes you THAT much bigger of a loser. When you lack personality in this business you lack everything BUT possibly credibility. You may be able to match a top to a skirt of add the right accessory but you can't hold a conversation for SHIT!
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