SO, the age old question just about everyone and their mother asks EVERYONE, "Do you work out?" Funny thing is about 10 years ago I might feel weird saying, yes and I actually work out at home. I guess I was novel in that day at a time when people only went to gyms and things of that nature. There were not a TON of pilates and yoga studios, it was LONG before Soul Cycle and Tracy Anderson; and most people did outdoor running if not gym time. I on the other hand always did it the fastest (and cheapest) way possible. My work out was is and always will be in my home!
I am dedicated and when I mean dedicated...7 days a week, 6 minimum. Rain, snow, sunshine, cold, flu, all that jazz it never stops me. NOw that I think about it, it seems more like complete obsession but at the same time it's literally the ONLY thing on this planet that keeps me sane! Without a workout I am a complete mess, inside AND out. I feel off, I feel crazy, I feel big all the way around. My workout of choice is Tae Bo. Billy Blanks may have gone away with the 90's but he's alive and kicking in my household, DAILY. I have done it all and it's really THE most effective for my body. I need a TON of cardio, lots of sweating, body weight, resistance bands and a feeling that I am literally kicking someone's ass.
I don't really believe in those people that say they hardly move and a kid just sucks on their tita. That breast feeding helped them get back into shape, what helps you get into shape is moving your ass and eating right. And when I say eating right, everything in moderation and portion controlled. I HAVE to move like this to stay small, I literally could not be like that without working out as much as I do and I know that...so for the rest of my life I will be sweating my ass off, in my home, while the across the street neighbors enjoy the view. I guess until I leave NYC...and then I will sweat it off in a nice, finished basement.
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