I have a shirt that belongs to my husband...or rather I should say, was my mother in law's. She passed it along to me YEARS ago, probably when she realized I was there to stay. The, "I had a Ball at Brian's Bar-Mitzvah" is now a full on staple in my nightly wardrobe. Question is, when do we say when to old things?
We all have that mother, MIL, cousin, sibling that holds onto things for IONS, literally IONS! In a weird way, it would be stranger to NOT have that person because as much as we think it's super annoying (and it is annoying), we would be lost without those things that you keep. I did not know Brian at the time of his Bar-Mitzvah, but I love that that part of history is now a part of me! I showed it to Aiden tonight, explaining to her what it meant (clearly we are not a religious family so a lot of those practices she won't even know or understand until we face them); she was amazed that there were people's names on the shirt...people who are still her daddy's best friends!
I still have all my yearbooks, keepsakes and letters even from some random boyfriend I thought I cared about in 9th grade. BUT none the less they are mementos I still cherish for some reason or another. They bring me back to another lifetime, sometimes a good place sometimes a bad place; but a true place...
Sometimes I am so real on this thing, I forget the small things that matter too:) Have a good night...EFF YOU TERRIBLE TUESDAY!
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