Monday, March 11, 2013


WHY THE FUCK ARE PEOPLE SO DUMB?? And that's not rhetorical, I am stating a simple fact. Listen, I am not the smartest girl around and never claim to be, but I gotta tell you there are some dumb ass people in this world. There is no way that if I took a survey people could possibly disagree with some of the shit I think is totally whacked! GET THIS...why do people pay for a service, where people are to direct you to make decisions...but you don't want to hear those suggestions? Like you PAY money for something but you think you know it all, so why are you paying me? That always gets my fired up. OR get this, the sense of narcissistic entitlement is my ALL Time fav! I think that's a requirement in my industry so I can imagine it's not prevalent in other industries too! What to do with these people? Of course I still stand by my belief of saying shit that other people think...and of course that gets me in trouble in a NUMBER of ways, but really...what do we do with these stupid people? I think they should have to live in a society all together, hating each other and butting heads. HA Can you imagine? I CAN! Yeah so stomach flu and all, a perfect way to begin a Monday...KILL ME NOW! XOXO BTC

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