I CAN'T SEEM TO DO THAT! I don't know why...I feel like Brandi on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills most of the time! Strange thing is I totally get her, and I get why she just throws down. I have always been incredibly honest and direct in my delivery, that just does not always work for everyone; AND it's not always the nicest way to be.
I seriously don't know how to NOT be like that. I don't know how to take a moment and let it go, even when 99.9% of the time the other person either deserves it or is just saying stupid shit. I want to say I reacted like that b/c what you are saying is so dumb! AND it's always the ones that don't really get it, that don't FULLY understand what I am bringing to them to begin with; HOWEVER, I do need to learn to bit my tongue a bit. I don't think I will ever fully learn, and in some ways I would never want to change who I am. BUT on the flip side, you can't always say what you want or say what you think needs be said. Sometimes you really do need to keep your big mouth SHUT!
I am still learning every day how to survive in this insane world and insane industry. Still learning how to juggle my personality with a million other conflicting ones. Sometimes I wonder why certain people have been alone in their life, for so long...and then I spend more time with them, and realize everyone just really thinks you are NUTS!
Drinks tonight could not come fast enough...LIKE FOR REAL!
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