Friday, March 29, 2013


I have to take comfort in saying that, "everything happens for a reason" because for so much of my life that is the ONLY thing that has gotten me by. If you think it, it can be...but if you think about it, what is "the reason?" I think that when you have something to say, think or anything like that it makes the unbearable, bearable. It gives you hope that things will get better, even if you can't see the end result before it appears. Then the question becomes does it happen for a reason, or does life just work the way it is supposed to b/c there is always another outcome, to solve a problem you think can never be solved? I would like to think there's some truth to things happening, and the outcome being your life's path...BUT, also think whoever said that needed that "slogan" to get by! If you are celebrating Easter this weekend, then I hope you spend it with the people you love! If not, then it's a great time to buy good candy at the Duane Reade's of the world! XOXO BTC

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Family holidays are sometimes like staying in a Turkish prison...or so I gather!

We have the lovely luxury of celebrating both religion's holidays..and it really is a beautiful thing! HOWEVER having both Passover AND Easter in one week, is just a bit MUCH; if you know know what I mean! How do you deal with everyone, at literally one time...without killing each other, or you own husband and kids?!?!?! The dynamics never really change, unless you add a new variable (like new peeps)...we have not (fortunately) had to do that in some time, on both sides! Everyone is really with their significant other, so no new additions on the horizon; BUT you have to deal with those same people. Oh joy joy... Happy Passover and ALMOST Easter! xoxo BTC

Sunday, March 24, 2013


SO what if you have a group of girls, in the burbs, and they rule the they ruled their 8th grade, mediocre school. SO what if you are set aside and not included in things; AND your kid feels like shit. SO what if that is "just the way it is" in the burbs...WELLLLL SO WHAT if you decide you want to change that, and take over the mother fucking place! I hear this constantly with all of my friends, that there are "mean girls" in their new suburban areas; so my question is why not take over? TAKE OVER THE DAMN AREA, and rule it. Push out those assholes who migrated (by marriage of course) to these over-priced, overly populated, ostentatious areas (and of course women with no careers just "managing" the homes), PUSH THEM OUT! Make them feel badly, make them feel like the way they act is NOT ok and if they don't change you will make their lives miserable (but of course always include their kids b/c you don't want any part of their bullshit). I mean you can't really make their lives miserable b/c you would be doing the same shit I am saying we hate, feel me. I just don't get it, why do girls even allow this type of behavior to continue and why does asshole breed asshole. I now have a friend who is literally moving from her home, to escape this type of behavior; the same behavior she endured in HS. WHY WHY WHY! In any event, I just don't know if I will ever know how to handle all of this to "avoid" it if you can, but at the same time knowing that you have to be around them and your kids may even BE friends! "Why can't we all be friends"...and why is this getting worse by the moment? Generation X grew up, now we have kids are migrating to all of these towns. If we were horrible then, we are even MORE horrible now...more money, more kids, etc. Kind of a nightmare when you think about it! That is my wish for this evening, that my friends finds happiness where she goes...and those bitches get the OLD look like early onset, anything bad:) I know I know I am going to hell, but hey at least I know I will have company! XOXO BTC

Friday, March 22, 2013

"I can't get no...satisfaction..."

ONE of my favorite bands BY FAR...and also I think they were RIGHT on target with the name of that song! It's seriously anyone EVER satisfied? I try to put myself in other people's shoes, when they say dumb shit like, "why didn't I get this or why didn't I get that?" My first inclination is to drop a punch, but realistically that won't get anyone, anywhere! So as I calm myself down and think, maybe they are not used to NOT getting what they want...and the moment something small goes off course they can't quite handle it. I have to tell myself that or else I would literally stop doing what I do for a living. I ask myself again, is anyone ever really satisfied? I think the short answer is, NO; but the long answer is yes in many ways. Or at least I would like to think so. I hope I am not one of those people that always seek more, wants more am not satisfied with my present life...I think that drive and the drive to succeed and do more, to be more should not be confused with feeling/being unsatisfied. I would like to think that the need or the want to want more, is simply to live a better life...NOT to live a different one. Count your blessings and take a moment to be thankful for WHAT you have, not what you DON'T have. I think there are so many people that need to learn that lesson. Have a FANTASTIC weekend...shit knows I need a BOTTLE to get me through today! XOXO BTC

Thursday, March 21, 2013


SO, the age old question just about everyone and their mother asks EVERYONE, "Do you work out?" Funny thing is about 10 years ago I might feel weird saying, yes and I actually work out at home. I guess I was novel in that day at a time when people only went to gyms and things of that nature. There were not a TON of pilates and yoga studios, it was LONG before Soul Cycle and Tracy Anderson; and most people did outdoor running if not gym time. I on the other hand always did it the fastest (and cheapest) way possible. My work out was is and always will be in my home! I am dedicated and when I mean dedicated...7 days a week, 6 minimum. Rain, snow, sunshine, cold, flu, all that jazz it never stops me. NOw that I think about it, it seems more like complete obsession but at the same time it's literally the ONLY thing on this planet that keeps me sane! Without a workout I am a complete mess, inside AND out. I feel off, I feel crazy, I feel big all the way around. My workout of choice is Tae Bo. Billy Blanks may have gone away with the 90's but he's alive and kicking in my household, DAILY. I have done it all and it's really THE most effective for my body. I need a TON of cardio, lots of sweating, body weight, resistance bands and a feeling that I am literally kicking someone's ass. I don't really believe in those people that say they hardly move and a kid just sucks on their tita. That breast feeding helped them get back into shape, what helps you get into shape is moving your ass and eating right. And when I say eating right, everything in moderation and portion controlled. I HAVE to move like this to stay small, I literally could not be like that without working out as much as I do and I know for the rest of my life I will be sweating my ass off, in my home, while the across the street neighbors enjoy the view. I guess until I leave NYC...and then I will sweat it off in a nice, finished basement. CIAO! XOXO BTC

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

People's obsession with...PEOPLE!

What is it about famous people, that we "regular" people get obsessed with??? AND are we going to continually be that way? Or does something HAVE to give? There are so many different types of obsession it's hard to pin-point what's normal; and what's seriously insane! I think there are times I am really interested in what people are doing, wearing, going, seeing, etc. but I have a good grip on reality. Sometimes b/c we live in a world where everything is out there for everyone to see, people go a little bonkers! In my line of work you see it more often than not, b/c you have to work with some of these celebrities and balance the relationship between them and the designer. I am still figuring out HOW to balance that, without it being too...MUCH! OH well, off to drink...there's no better time like the present! XOXO BTC

Monday, March 18, 2013


You know all those people who always complain that they need a break...that they want to go away and take a vacation? That they can't believe everything that happens to them? I feel like one of those people, but the weird thing is...I think I hide it, and I hide it well! I want to pop them in the face sometimes when they say things like that b/c why are they able to be so open about it, I guess in some ways it makes them appear weak; and that's not something I really good with. It's also TOTALLY ridiculous it's just REALITY that people need a fucking break! Sometimes I think that God's gotta give me a break, and then I think to myself...I believe in a higher power but not necessarily a God so who am I really asking? There's no one that can change life, but YOU! BUT I do feel like Nell Carter said it right, "Gimme a break I sure deserve it..." BTC

Sunday, March 17, 2013


I don't get it...I have such a hard time with people when they say they work all the time, but in actuality they may work a lot, but only when it's convenient for them. How does that makes sense? When you need answers to things, no matter what day or time I can't stand those people who cannot give them to me. I want to say, maybe if you WORKED a little harder you could alway be reachable. Might sound bias but it's true, I really do get annoyed with that! The reality is some people just work harder than others. Have a harder "drive" to succeed, etc. The world would not make sense if it was only filled with type A personalities; we need B's to leverage out our craziness. BUT at the same time, I get annoyed when everyone does not work equally as hard! It's like a marriage, there is always someone who works harder than the other, always one spouse who does more, always one who is strung out a BIT more than the other. I guess if it were even, it might be weird? I don't know, just don't know about this one. XOXO BTC

Saturday, March 16, 2013


I know I could get a lot of heat for saying this, but it is so clear why some men and women (who would chose otherwise) are alone. NOW I don't want to be too general and say that goes for everyone, because some people choose to be alone, but at the same time Oprah says she does not have kids b/c her life has been devoted to others. That reads more like a crock of shit to me...I think she just never wanted to have them; which by the way is TOTALLY fine. Just sayin. There are some crazy ass women and some crazy ass men in this world, and for the most part...I get why no one would want to spend all their time with these people, let alone the rest of their lives. They are all one in the same in so many ways; just a little "off." There are SO many people like that in fashion, it's such a lonely profession on so many levels. The time spent working, the company that you keep, and more importantly the way that you dress; paired with the emphasis being how you look. NOW again, I am not trying to be too general b/c that does NOT go for everyone! Some women's reactions to things are so out of whack, that I don't blame men who don't want to date them, let alone people who don't even want to be FRIENDS with them. Then you have the men who can't commit, date younger women, and are too self involved, just to name a few characteristics. Again, these are just observations that I have; some of these people I either have worked with, am friends with, or have they have even been a client; BUT one thing is for sure they are not alone. They tend to stick together and for good reason, who else would want to be around them. You know what they say, "misery loves company." Or something like that. XOXO BTC

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I CANNOT EVEN BREATHE WITH THIS STORY! I don't know how we live on this earth and literally shit all over it; and the people who live on our planet. I don't know who gives us the right to take the lives of others, and continue to do it..time and time again. I know this is a MUCH bigger subject (lack of education, etc.) but at the same time it does not make me feel any more relief knowing the consequences. I am LITERALLY sick about this. There are no words. BTC

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I have a shirt that belongs to my husband...or rather I should say, was my mother in law's. She passed it along to me YEARS ago, probably when she realized I was there to stay. The, "I had a Ball at Brian's Bar-Mitzvah" is now a full on staple in my nightly wardrobe. Question is, when do we say when to old things? We all have that mother, MIL, cousin, sibling that holds onto things for IONS, literally IONS! In a weird way, it would be stranger to NOT have that person because as much as we think it's super annoying (and it is annoying), we would be lost without those things that you keep. I did not know Brian at the time of his Bar-Mitzvah, but I love that that part of history is now a part of me! I showed it to Aiden tonight, explaining to her what it meant (clearly we are not a religious family so a lot of those practices she won't even know or understand until we face them); she was amazed that there were people's names on the shirt...people who are still her daddy's best friends! I still have all my yearbooks, keepsakes and letters even from some random boyfriend I thought I cared about in 9th grade. BUT none the less they are mementos I still cherish for some reason or another. They bring me back to another lifetime, sometimes a good place sometimes a bad place; but a true place... Sometimes I am so real on this thing, I forget the small things that matter too:) Have a good night...EFF YOU TERRIBLE TUESDAY! XOXO BTC

Monday, March 11, 2013


WHY THE FUCK ARE PEOPLE SO DUMB?? And that's not rhetorical, I am stating a simple fact. Listen, I am not the smartest girl around and never claim to be, but I gotta tell you there are some dumb ass people in this world. There is no way that if I took a survey people could possibly disagree with some of the shit I think is totally whacked! GET THIS...why do people pay for a service, where people are to direct you to make decisions...but you don't want to hear those suggestions? Like you PAY money for something but you think you know it all, so why are you paying me? That always gets my fired up. OR get this, the sense of narcissistic entitlement is my ALL Time fav! I think that's a requirement in my industry so I can imagine it's not prevalent in other industries too! What to do with these people? Of course I still stand by my belief of saying shit that other people think...and of course that gets me in trouble in a NUMBER of ways, but really...what do we do with these stupid people? I think they should have to live in a society all together, hating each other and butting heads. HA Can you imagine? I CAN! Yeah so stomach flu and all, a perfect way to begin a Monday...KILL ME NOW! XOXO BTC

Saturday, March 9, 2013


You know the saying, she's "putting up a front"...I think that's literally my motto at the moment. When you are typically, or rather should I say always the gregarious one in the crowd, it's really hard for people to know what is really going on with you. You know, like when heavier people make "fat jokes" but really it's just a "front!" I think I do that so much that people just assume you are always happy, when you are just as banged up as everyone else. I am one of those people. The one that can always give advise but rarely seek it. The one that listens to everyones issues big and small, but never say or address anything that I am going through. Sometimes I want to say to them REALLY it's really THAT big of a deal? BUT I don't because to them whatever the issue that they are going through, feels major to them. I wish at times my friends could see THROUGH that, and at least ask is everything ok? BUT then at the same time if I am so good at hiding it, is it possible for them to even know? I love helping friends, friends of friends, family you name it. I lend my time, hand, experience and then some and I would not have it any other way, BUT I do sometimes think like when is it my time? When do I get a break from reality? When do I take the vacation? Get the help? WHEN. WHEN! Then I take a deep breath, get my shit together, smack myself in the face to stop feeling sorry for myself. But I do wish that at times, I could be the victim, the one that's doted on, the one that gets to talk about everything I am going through...but I don't. I don't think I ever will. "Life is short, whatever you feel like" XOXO BTC

Friday, March 8, 2013


The word that everyone HATES to hear...NO! Why in the world do we hear it so often? AND who are those people that can't tolerate the word, no! You know the ones that I am talking about. The ones that have self entitlement. The ones that RARELY hear the word no, because the world always says yes to them. I think part of the reason people say yes to them, is because they don't want to deal with the reaction if they were actually to say, NO! Part of my issue with those types of people is that I am often the one to tell them no; and clearly they don't take well to that. I don't know if I do it because I don't give a shit about their reaction, or simply b/c in reality it's just not possible to get done whatever it is that they want me to do. I guess it is a little bit of both, managing expectations on top of enjoying just a little bit the reaction when and if I DO say no:) I can't even IMAGINE what PR people, agents, assistants go through with celebrities...when so many "regular" people who think that they are celebrities act this way! It's been a really long week. Full of ups and downs in the office and ups and downs at home. Between sick kids and delusional clients I have just about had it. Hook me up to a wine and vodka IV I am COOKED! Break me down with every morsel of wrong this evening to counter act all the shit I have had to deal with since the beginning of March. Don't get it twisted, I still enjoy all the craziness that comes with my life, but sometimes you just want a 9 to 5 job and life. Clearly, that ain't happening with me. Enjoy your weekend...and remember, do everything that I would do...if I could! XOXO BTC

Thursday, March 7, 2013


I CAN'T SEEM TO DO THAT! I don't know why...I feel like Brandi on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills most of the time! Strange thing is I totally get her, and I get why she just throws down. I have always been incredibly honest and direct in my delivery, that just does not always work for everyone; AND it's not always the nicest way to be. I seriously don't know how to NOT be like that. I don't know how to take a moment and let it go, even when 99.9% of the time the other person either deserves it or is just saying stupid shit. I want to say I reacted like that b/c what you are saying is so dumb! AND it's always the ones that don't really get it, that don't FULLY understand what I am bringing to them to begin with; HOWEVER, I do need to learn to bit my tongue a bit. I don't think I will ever fully learn, and in some ways I would never want to change who I am. BUT on the flip side, you can't always say what you want or say what you think needs be said. Sometimes you really do need to keep your big mouth SHUT! I am still learning every day how to survive in this insane world and insane industry. Still learning how to juggle my personality with a million other conflicting ones. Sometimes I wonder why certain people have been alone in their life, for so long...and then I spend more time with them, and realize everyone just really thinks you are NUTS! Drinks tonight could not come fast enough...LIKE FOR REAL! XOXO BTC

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Why is it that I feel like I am always fighting someTHING or someONE. It's amazing, when you have so many strikes against you (or I should say are made up of so many things), you are always fighting for something. Case in point... I can't walk into a room and feel 100% comfortable, EVER. If the room is filled with all African American people I am often not dark enough. When I walk into a room that is filled with Caucasians I am clearly not White enough. When I walk into a Shul and am celebrating a high holiday I am not jewish enough...and lets just go with the fact that I don't DARE walk into a church; not even a Christian in the eyes of God. Why is it me against the world? I can't even imagine what it's like to NOT have to prove yourself in some way. The ONLY place I don't feel that was is my home and my office. 2 things that I built and run, 2 places where I am very good at what I do. If you take me OUT of that comfort zone I am fighter not a lover. It used to be the fashion in many ways, where I felt like I did not quite fit as I get older, I realize that it's really just who I am and that "fight" I will always have to fight. Strangely enough I don't know any other way. I would not know what to do without THE fight. The fight makes me stronger, makes me feel I don't know, legit. It reminds me that I have to work a LITTLE harder at things than some; and I am OK with that. I may have to prove myself to people so that eventually it won't make a difference what I look like, or what my religion I am...I will just be, ME! XOXO BTC

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


How certain people get into the positions they are in, is literally beyond me. I would never in a million years hire a doorknob to be on my team, not sure why so many people can see past it. Why is that? AND what does it say about the person doing the hiring? I don't care who you are, if you have the personality of a wet blanket then you don't deserve to be in the media. You have talk to people day in and day out, so with a crap face look it makes it THAT much harder for us to tolerate. Take fashion for instance...everyone knows that "puss" on your face is just an act, or is it really who you are? Do you feel like with that face you are protecting yourself from the harsh world of fashion? Or do you feel like you will fit in better if you look that way? MORE importantly, how do you walk into market appointments with that fuck me look and not get popped? You work in a business where shmoozing with people is literally YOUR JOB so why the tude? Why the long face? Why the fuck can't you crack smile. I mean for christ sake, people have shown this notion of fashion in the movies, on TV, etc. so clearly the general public is aware that you do, exist. WTF is wrong with people? I can't imagine having someone walk into my office, to only be greeted by a sneer. AND are you that good at what you do that you are not replaceable? That's bullshit! I don't know why more people don't talk about this...I guess for fear of losing their job or never getting another one; clearly 2 things I don't have to worry about (at this moment anyway:). It does not make you cooler it makes you THAT much bigger of a loser. When you lack personality in this business you lack everything BUT possibly credibility. You may be able to match a top to a skirt of add the right accessory but you can't hold a conversation for SHIT! "TERRIBLE TUESDAY" XOXO BTC

Monday, March 4, 2013


WTF would I do without C'mama? She is the ONE person I can count on with my kids (even over family), at ANY time! I feel so lucky, that it's hard to imagine my life, or rather my kids without her. The question is, when is it time to move on? OR move out? If I tell you one of the reasons we stay in NYC is b/c of Cynthia, then I would be telling you the honest to goodness truth! I feel incredibly blessed to have someone care for my children the same way (and in some ways MORE), than I do! AND at times BETTER! After 5 kids, a large number of grandchildren and being a nanny for 40 years this woman is THE best EVER! Take today for instance... Lila had a puking moment today, when I tell you she caught the actual vomit in her HANDS...she did; all over her, and she was literally ok with it. I am AMAZED at how she feels as if she is her own child. I want to say how thankful I am for having her in our lives, no matter what the outcome may be re: our future. I am thankful thankful thankful! XOXO BTC

Friday, March 1, 2013


This day and age everyone is choosing names for their children, the same way we used to choose names for our dogs! I feel like anyone who got a dog, felt like it was their opportunity to think outside the box name it something..."different!" NOW it seems that people are naming their kids the same way that they name their dogs. It's not so strange to meet Lucky the person or Lucky the dog! You can eat an apple or BE an apple, literally. I think people get a lot of shit for it too...I mean, lord knows you are being judged in some way no matter what name you choose! So really, what's in a name? Clearly it's self expression. Gone are the days of naming after family, here are the days when people name after fruits. Forget the idea that you could SHARE a name with someone, i.e. David, Emily, we have Jagger, Grey, and Apple. I love the idea that anyone can do anything that they want and they don't care what others think...but at the same time these kids will grow up one day, will that be weird? I thought I strayed a little from the norm naming Aiden, AIDEN when it's a boys name. Even using James as a middle name for Lila was a little different. BUT all that said there is this a LARGE part of me that REALLY likes how everyone is feeling comfortable enough with themselves, to actually name their kid something different. But is it all for the wrong "Trendy" reasons? Mmmm..just food for thought. I love all my friends, their kids and the names...makes the world a much more colorful place:) BON WEEKEND! XOXO BTC