Russian Roulette that's the game we play when producing the little ones, we just never know what we are going to get!
Here's the thing, I come from a mixed background (caucasion mom/African American Dad) and married a very cute caucasion/Jewish man. Basically my apt. is like the UN! Given all of the color mixing we were just not sure what (now Aiden our first child) was going to look like? It's like gambling and getting the best case scenario! Given she was only going to be a quarter African American the chances of her being brown were...well slim to none! My husband wished and wished we would have a little brown baby but to no avail. We got what we got, and what we got is BEAUTIFUL! She's like this little golden child:) And what she lacked in color she made up in personality!
So there we were patiently waiting in the delivery room for her to arrive (we did not know if we were having a boy or a girl), to see what on earth we had produced. For most people, that's the biggest surprise of all...the sex, but for us we were waiting to see the shade of the baby too!!! To some that may sound just insane, but really for us it was a normal thought!
Is this weird that I am talking about this? Probably to most, but truly it is something we think about often! Now, once again with this one in my belly we wonder like any normal parent, what the baby will look like? Will the baby look like Aiden? Will the baby be the same color? Lighter? Darker? I know in my own family (I have a little brother) he is lighter than I am. We resemble one another but are 2 completely different color tones! WOW there are so many things to think about when having a baby, who knew betting on what color your kid would be...would be one of them!
I can't imagine what my parents went through in the 70's! I walk down the street on the UES sometimes and people often think I am my daughter's nanny...I S__T you NOT! A post for another time:)
Is it the weekend yet? Off to the dr. shortly. I now see her every other week, and that will soon progress into every week. This is the so not fun part, the part when you just play the waiting game. I had Aiden a couple of weeks early, so God willing this one will come a bit early but not too early! I pray, not about world peace but about that!
More to come kids, more to come!
I completely understand! I'm african-american and my husband is caucasion. I'm only 8 weeks but I definitely think about what shade our child will be. Thanks for the blog, I love it! - Patience