We had finally moved on and chosen a name, we all thought we loved...and then there was me, it all changed last Friday!
I walked onto the bus Friday on my way to work when I heard it...the name I thought we had gotten over and had also abandoned...alas, it caught me by surprise. I loved the way it sounded and it was a girl too, it's not typically just a girls name. I turned to see if I thought the girl was cute (naturally it's always helps when you associate the name with someone cute) and really she was not super cute; BUT I was so attached to the name for that moment it truly did not matter! I felt a twinge in my stomach and thought to myself OMG I am now going to take the name we all agreed on, and muddy the waters. At the end of the day this will be my babies name forever. It will not change and I/we really need to LOVE it! I don't want something weird but I want something that says Brian and Beth's kid, the same way Aiden Rae does. So now how to break the news to my husband AND my mom the 2 major players in the name game for me?
"UH, the pressure of a name....CINDA FUCKEN RELLA!" -Name that movie!!!
I met Brian on Friday afternoon (remember I had to have those tests at the hospital) and blurted out, babe do you love the name we already chose? He said, "yes what do you mean, oh no Beth do you not love it?" I had to tell him the whole bus story and really after I was finished he kind of got what I was saying. Even though Aiden is SUPER girly her name is not...it's just so "us" and beyond perfect for her. It is different (as in it's typically used for boys) but yet not strange like the name, Elektra or some other shiteous name. I wanted to feel the same way about this name and also really wanted it to go together. So here we are weeks away from having the kid and changing the name yet again. I have to tell you, when you don't know the sex (as we did not the first time and I have to say something I prefer) and not wanting to know this time either, but having a really dumb technician slip...I prefer not knowing. I don't know, I just did not identify with it the way you do when you know. I think it's cool that we have experienced both...BUT if we have another one after this I am certainly going back to the not knowing!
In any event, the entire weekend involved having family meetings with Aiden, myself and Brian (mom included in at least one of those) and going over the names again. We have come to the conclusion that Brian needs to sit with our choice for a moment and my mom and I love the other name we thought about, from the beginning...NOT the one we settled on a couple of weeks ago. Either way, whatever name we choose I know will suit her perfectly...just a total shit show trying to figure things like that out! You would think it would be easier the 2nd time around!
Speaking of which, you always hear how much HARDER it is with 2 kids (lucky me) but what you don't hear is how much EASIER it is preparing for #2, when you already have a #1! I said to Brian yesterday short of clothing (if you are having a different sex) everything else is pretty much the same. You know all the things you need for the 1st 6 weeks, you know the things that are major in the beginning i.e. place to sleep, toiletries, diapers, bottles, pump if you need it and really that's it...oh and a swing that damn swing saved me life with Aiden! Short of that, it all works itself out AND you already have everything that you need. I feel a lot less stressed about materials needed, apparently so...the clock is ticking and we have done very little. Do you guys or did you guys find that to be true? I mean granted 2 is very different than one but when it's still cooking in there the prep. work I find...is cake compared to round 1. I see these people walking around the baby stores clueless with guns, AH those were the days:)
On a completely different note:
I have attached a pic of Aiden and her Uncle Greggy, one of Brian's best friends from childhood. Here they are getting married (yes married) at his house this past weekend...Aiden's in her new goggles she is obsessed with and a princess robe that Gregg gave her, that use to belong to his daughter Lexi! I swear he is THE most amazing person with Aiden and I love the way they love each other...it's truly something special. I have a very similar relationship with Greggy and one that I truly value. There is something to be said for great friends just like great family, you can't beat that kinda love...and we have so much of it all the way around, I feel truly blessed!
Aight check yah later!
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