How on earth does a person wake up and realize that the life they lived just a couple of years ago, is no longer...AND when discovering that how do you help those around you, recognize that too? More importantly, how do you remind people who are older than you, that went through the same life transitions; but certainly need a "refresher" course?
Sometimes people just don't get it! AND I understand why...it's impossible to imagine having a kid, one on the way; or 2+ if you don't have any! Me included! I had no idea the amount of shit that goes into this, until I did it myself! So, I guess I kinda answered my question...there is no golden rule, or straight up way...possibly just the old fashion way of constantly reminding "these" people. Part of me gets too annoyed to try and explain it, while another part of me sounds like a broken record! I try and think to myself, if it were me and Aiden was grown up would I annoy her about some of the things people annoy us about? GOD I hope not! I really hope I am not that person, and when she does remind me...a light goes off in my head! Someone told me one of the smartest things I have ever heard, that having children is the hardest thing you will ever love...AMEN to that! It truly is. The best AND the hardest thing you will ever love.
Why is enough never enough? Why is it than an ample amount of time not sufficient? Why is a whole weekend required when one night is doable? Why is a 3 course meal in demand, when 1 course is the most effective? All questions to answer AFTER you have a kid, because your answers will DRASTICALLY change!
IF you know someone pregnant with their 1st ,2nd, 3rd whatever give them a goddamn break. Take a moment and just think, you know what they have a lot of shit on their plate; and a lot of shit in their belly. Let me cut them a little slack. Know that it's not about you, it's about them...and LET it be about them for at least those 9 months!
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend...I know I am, I am extra exhausted these days! Helping the kid put on weight is no joke!
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