Had to go for an ultrasound...long story short had some pain...blah, blah, blah here I am...
Did you know that all your organs are LITERALLY pulled up and pushed in different directions when you are pregnant? I mean, I had read about it (in the medical books) but I did not LITERALLY know what that meant. So there I was 1/2 naked on a mobile, uncomfortable bed at Cornell Medical, with a technician who barely cracked a smile (I had Brian join because I can't really kung fu fight if I needed to, if he decided to attack me, behind closed doors ,1/2 naked...like I could if I was NOT pregnant), to have an ultrasound. OH oh, also I had to fast for 6 hours prior to the test, WATER included! Not fun for anyone, but especially not fun post 30 weeks of pregnancy!
There I was in this cold, sterile, grooooosss room taking deep breaths flat on my back for the fist 10 minutes. I felt like I was going to A. pass out from breathing so heavily B. throw up because I was so sick from not eating and C. trying to constantly crack jokes, so that I could crack the code of this incredibly weird technician. My next move was to turn over on my left side (THANK GOD b/c as many of you know it's much more comfortable) to then do the same drill of deep breathing, etc. Mind you he was using so much warming gel I felt like I was gearing up for sex with Brian with KY (not likely he fell asleep in the dark room on a chair waiting for me). In any event, the same thing went down on my right side and before you know it I had been in the room for 30 minutes; and I was finally able to roll myself off of the bed...AND more importantly finally go get something to eat!
The moral of this post is..I had asked the technician why on earth was he looking for my liver, gallbladder, etc. all the way up under my boob? AND why did I have to turn over on both sides? His response, "Everything is pushed up and over" and he continued. AH WHAT? Everything is pushed up and over? WTF does that means? So my organs that are normally resting comfortably above my belly button, etc. are now literally up and all the way around? OYE! Seriously? That painted picture made me want to vomit!
It's amazing what a woman's body is capable of going, what our bodies go through during pregnancy IS truly amazing! I guess sometimes I lose site of all of the miraculous things we are able to do. Thankfully the tests were negative and all is fine, I apparently pulled some sort of muscle while working out or it's simple stretching pain...not sure which is worse, but...
Hope everyone's having a great weekend...I don't know weekends are just not the same when you can drink! Nice QT time with the fam, but...nothing like a drink on top of it all!
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