The idea of more sleep is so damn appealing I compare it to a fantastic, large glass of cab. that I CANNOT have.
One thing that increases like wind during a storm is lack of freaking sleep! I have to pee AT LEAST 5-7 times a night, and so if you do the math...that would mean almost once an hour! NOT to mention my daughter who (like clockwork) has to get up at least once a night to pee herself, sometime between 1-3 AM! SO if you add that to the amount of times I get up we are nearly at 8! What can you to improve sleep? NOT A DAMN THING! Not pee?? Not possible! That's the thing you HAVE to get up and you HAVE to pee. I try and pass over the responsibility of helping Aiden to the bathroom in the night to Brian, but sometimes he does not even hear her calling us!
My feeling is that this is the way you get somewhat prepared to be up all night, with a newborn. Happened to me the first time but I had no idea that I would literally not sleep for more than like 30 minutes at a time; especially if you breast feed for MONTHS! AND there's no putting anyone on a schedule for at least the first 3 month, FORGET the let the kid cry it out until like month 4, 5. That is a hell of a long time to wait, months are like years in this condition!
So, sleep...it becomes non-existent. When people said to me enjoy your sleep now because you will never sleep again they were not kidding!!! Let's see what do I hate more than anything? When Brian tells me he's so tired and not quite sure why...with a smile. That means he remembers he is looking at his wife who is 8 months pregnant with his second child, running a business, managing a 3 year old, putting out a book and then some. He kindly takes it back and realizes he sounds like a total ass! BUT what do you do when you meet the other people who don't know as well, who say the same thing? Smile and walk away...and then think about how good it would feel to trade lives with them for 24 hours. If you have not experienced the difference you can't blame those who do not know. Just think at some point in their lives they probably will.
What can the people you love do to help? Do it all for you! Make sure your husband/wife/partner whatever picks up the slack. Have them do the dishes, cook, take care of the kid a bit more than you, etc. I am still reluctant to ask for help because I like to do it all myself, but then there comes a time when you MUST pass along some of the responsibility or you will DIE of exhaustion! It's the little things, and PLEASE unlike me...cancel plans, lighten your schedule if you work or run a business or just do too much. Make sure and take some time for you so that on the weekends you can literally do nothing...I mean there's no such thing as nothing...but you get my drift! It will help when you can look forward to not spending so much time in the car. Have people come to YOU, especially those that NEVER offer; bottom line then just don't see them!!!
On a much lighter note:
WTF is that STUPID quizno's commercial where the damn cat is dressed up in an ancient 1800's outfit singing about pricing? DO you guys knows what I am talking about? I seriously do not know how commercials like that, can be made! I am in a fragile state and that just makes me want to punch the television EVERY time!
**It's "Terrible Tuesday" people, you know what that means...a little something one of my best friends from my days Oprah labeled, and since then Tuesdays havw never been the same!
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